Whistleblowing Reports

Following the entry into force of Legislative Decree 24/2023 on Whistleblowing, Bergi Spa has set up various channels for reporting any unlawful or fraudulent activities of which the whistleblower becomes aware within the work context.

If you are aware of irregularities that could lead to violations and/or wrongdoings, you should make a Whistleblowing Report.

The expression whistleblowing refers to whistleblowing as a manifestation of civic sense, which contributes to bringing to light and preventing situations that undermine good administration or the public interest.

Bergi Spa guarantees the confidentiality and anonymity of those who wish to make a report and of the information provided in compliance with the law.

Reporting Channels

The channels through which you can make a report are the following

  • through the Signalethic portal at the link bergispa.signalethic.it;
  • by contacting the Signal Managers* by phone at the contact details below;
  • by contacting the Alert Handlers directly to arrange a meeting in person.

In addition, whistleblowers may use the external channel (ANAC) when:

  • the reporting person has already made an internal report and it was not followed up;
  • the person making the report has reasonable grounds to believe that, if he/she was to make an internal report, it would not be effectively followed up, or that the report might give rise to a risk of retaliation;
  • the reporting person has reasonable grounds to believe that the breach may constitute an imminent or obvious danger to the public interest;

More information at www.anticorruzione.it/-/whistleblowing

Remember that Whistleblowing channels are not appropriate for dealing with personal or employment contract issues, relations with supervisor or other colleagues not covered by violations of the Code of Ethics or Legislative Decree 24/2023.

*Managers of Whistleblowing Reports:
The task of handling whistleblowing reports was given to an external person in order to further reassure the whistleblower of the confidentiality of the report.

EXTERNAL MANAGER: DOCUVERSE SRL – dedicated line +39 0444 419325

Some practical tips to protect the anonymity/confidentiality of your report

Signalethic was designed following the principles of privacy and security by design and by default, i.e. integrating GDPR requirements into software development and by default, by design. Traffic to the Signalethic portal is encrypted in transit while data stored in the platform is encrypted at rest.

To protect your reports below you will find some practical tips; make sure you implement them for greater cyber security and protect the anonymity/confidentiality of your report:

  • Use devices that are private and that you have control over to make reports or to consult reports that you have already made;
  • Use incognito browsing if possible;
  • Keep your credentials in protected places where there is no risk of sharing them with anyone;
  • Ensure that you do not report or access the Signalethic portal in public or in places where your screen activity can be seen by others;
  • Only access the Signalethic portal via a secure internet connection and a private network so that your internet traffic is protected before it reaches the platform.