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Starlux: Rotary Press for Ironing and Printing

Through-feed press for ironing and embossing with automatic revolver-type roller changing device

Rotary press for continuous ironing, satin finishing and embossing. It has an automatic roller changing system with revolver device and an independent heating unit for each roller. It can store up to 3 large diameter operative rollers.

The Starlux can be supplied in a single version, double one or all three together.

The Starlux has the automatic roller changing system. Changing the rollers is very easy and fast. Each roller has its own thermal-oil heating unit for the independent management of the working temperatures. This system permits to change the operative roller many times a day without losses of time.

The operative rollers have an internal oil distribution system unique in its genre and the maximum difference of temperature all along the surface of the roller is one degree (1°C).

The Starlux can be supplied with one roller and the other two can be supplied separately thanks to the stability of the revolver roller changing system.

In conclusion the Starlux is the ideal machine to iron with pressure any kind of leather and soft leathers without compacting them, to process waxed leathers without changing their colours, to give an excellent glazing effect on the tops of the embossed leathers or to shine the tops of the milled leathers.



Sizes: 1800 / 2200 / 2600 / 3200 / 3400

Approximate technical data

Effective widthmm1800250032003400mm
Working pressure
Installed power with one operating rollkW5656727272
Working temperature°C160160160160160
Working speedm/min3 ÷ 143 ÷ 143 ÷ 143 ÷ 143 ÷ 14
Net weight of machine with one operating rollKg616071508230964011540
Net weight of one operating rollKg9301100131016801880
Base model dimensionsmm3900 x
2150 x
2300 h
4300 x
2150 x
2300 h
4700 x
2150 x
2300 h
5500 x
2150 x
2300 h
5700 x
2150 x
2300 h

Technical drawings
disegno tecnico dispositivo preriscaldamento pelle Starlux SV Pressa rotativa
Think Green

Aware of its responsibilities, Bergi joined the “Supplier of Sustainable Technologies” project promoted by Assomac in 2017, with the aim of contributing to deepening the key issues related to the intelligent and conscious management of energy, water, and natural resources, with the perspective of qualifying the manufacturing industry’s production process as sustainable.

The focal point of the project is the “Green Label,” a voluntary declaration certifying the energy and environmental performance of machines, calculated based on internationally recognized parameters such as the CFP (Carbon Footprint, the amount of equivalent carbon dioxide emissions) measured using the shared and standardized Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) calculation methodology.

Special versions

Ideal machine for ironing by pressure or alternatively by thickness, for ironing only the peaks of heavy grains or ironing leathers without crushing the fibres, keeping them soft. The machine can work up to a pressure of 160 kg/cm. The motorized roller, which works the leather in synchro, allows thickness ironing and provides a very light touch on the leather surface without crushing it. It can be equipped with the transfer kit for the application of glossy, matte, laminated, sequined, patterned transfers to leather. The system is equipped with an accessory for protecting the felt with a reel of film.


Offers the possibility to change the contact angle between the leather and the operative roller by varying the geometry of the machine, thus allowing to increase and/or decrease the contact time of the leather with the heated roller.


It represents a combination of the previous two.


It's an accessory to be paired with the continuous press for printing with a winch, where at rest, there are rollers that need to be preheated before the change. This way, when the operator roller is changed, it's already at the desired temperature without any time loss. The heater is equipped with wheels and can be moved from one machine to another. It comes with an electrical system and is fully autonomous. It can reach temperatures of up to 160°C.